the signing of Myanmar National Team and Odisha striker Win Theingi Tun for the upcoming season.

the signing of Myanmar National Team and Odisha striker Win Theingi Tun for the upcoming season.

We are thrilled to confirm the signing of Myanmar National Team and Odisha striker Win Theingi Tun for the upcoming season. Win Theingi Tun’s experience both at the national level with Myanmar National Team and at the club level with successful stints in India Women’s League will bring a wealth of talent and expertise to the squad.

As the club is preparing to participate in Myanmar Women League 2024, Win Theingi Tun is on the squad list to fill the striker position. With her recent championship win in the India Women’s League 2023-24 and her impressive track record of securing titles with clubs like Myawady, Gokulum, Lords FC and Odisha, Win Theingi Tun brings invaluable experience and skill to the squad.