Yangon United women team emerge victorious with score of 4-3 over Yangon United Football Academy

Yangon United women team emerge victorious with score of 4-3 over Yangon United Football Academy

Yangon United women team emerge victorious with score of 4-3 over Yangon United Football Academy
Yangon United women team emerged victorious with score of 4-3 over Yangon United Football Academy in the friendly match today.
Despite not having their national team players, the women’s team took on the academy team, which fielded young players to gain match experience.

The match was divided into three parts, each lasting 30 minutes. In the first part, Yangon Academy took an early lead, going up 2-0 with goals scored by Melvin in the 17th and 25th minutes. However, the women’s team made a strong comeback in the second part, turning the match around with goals from Mya Hnin Wai in the 15th minute, Hnin Lin Latt Hlaing in the 25th minute, and May Thant Zin in the 28th minute, taking a 3-2 lead.

The third part of the match saw both teams prepared for more goals. Yangon Academy managed to level the score with a goal from Phone Myint Myat. However, it was Daisy Aung from the women’s team who sealed the victory with her goal, bringing the final score to 4-3 in favor of the Yangon United women’s team.
This friendly match served as a valuable opportunity for both teams to gain experience and hone their skills.

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