Senior Vice President of the Myanmar Football Federation and the President of Yangon United, U Pye Phyo Tay Za attended the 2025 Myanmar National League Committee meeting

Senior Vice President of the Myanmar Football Federation and the President of Yangon United, U Pye Phyo Tay Za attended the 2025 Myanmar National League Committee meeting

The 2025 Myanmar National League Committee meeting was held this morning, March 7th, at the Novotel Hotel Max in Yangon. The meeting was attended by U Pye Phyo Tay Za, Senior Vice President of the Myanmar Football Federation and President of Yangon United, Yangon United Women Team President Daw Kalayar Zaw, Yangon United Vice President U Sai Khin Maung Aye and Yangon United CEO U Lwin Moe attended the committee meeting.

At the start of the meeting, U Zaw Zaw, President of the Myanmar Football Federation, gave an opening speech, and U Zaw Min Thein, Chairman of the Myanmar National League Committee, presented the financial statement for the 2024-25 football season.Next, Myanmar National League Chief Executive Officer U Soe Moe Kyaw continued to discuss the plans for the upcoming tournaments.In conclusion, U Zaw Zaw, President of the Myanmar Football Federation, delivered the final remarks and the committee meeting was accomplished successfully.

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